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fernande73 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

5.Since the 1930s, hundreds of stone balls have been found in Costa Rica. It's believed that they ______ by the ancestors of native people who lived there at the time of the Spanish conquest.
答案是could have been made,知道是被動式,但是不了解為何要用could+完成式,是要跟前面句子時態一致嗎?

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fernande73 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

含氧化銅,鈉矽酸鹽玻璃的組成((0.70- x)SiO2-0.30Na20-xCuO (x 範圍 0-0.2)以傳統熔融和澆鑄方法製備,表面的結構利用XPS來分析,結果顯示X<0.14玻璃中 為Cu+狀態,而在x =0.18時的玻璃為兩種氧化態狀態(Cu+和Cu2 +),這是從Cu 2p的核心的能階圖譜的衛星結構“震動” 所獲得。進行一反迴旋程序,以定量以測定Cu+2 / [Cutotal]比值。從O 1S核心層階能譜的反迴旋可得到,非架橋的氧含量隨氧化銅的含量增加而增加,銅為玻璃網絡修飾劑(glass modifier)。O 1S能譜的模擬是從非架橋氧的能譜信號中分離出SiOCu和SiONa2的強度貢獻。

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1 澎湖的海清澈到從船上就可以看見海底的魚和珊瑚
 The waters around PengHoo were so clear we could see the fish and coral at the bottom of the sea floor right from the boat.

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fernande73 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Stories described a juvenile who has been bullied, was considered the class offerings dedicated to the ice, leading to death. The irony is, the death of Jesus has saved every sinner, but young's death, only to live should take up a heavy cross, there is no drop day.

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